School Therapist





School is a stressful time for children and adolescents. Social media, recent concerns in the news including the pandemic has increased student anxiety.  As an experienced school counsellor, I offer a range of services for schools, including:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group work
  • School-wide messages
  • Workshops for parents and staff
  • Space for staff to speak about the mental health of students


In the therapeutic space, I help students experiencing difficulties at home and school, make sense of their situation, identify their feelings through play, artwork, metaphor, listening and speaking. Given this space and focus students learn to understand their feelings, are given strategies that help them self-regulate. Early intervention builds resilience, avoids future difficulties and improves student performance. What support would best help your school embed good mental health? Contact me today and let me know how I might help.

Helping children build resilience.